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  • The Walking Dead: All Out War – Andrea Booster
    Andrea, a former law clerk, was left stranded when returning her sister Amy to college. They were picked up by Dale and helped form the original survi...
  • Caverna: Frantic Fiends
    Orcs are ravaging the lands and threatening your caves and families! Can you defeat the ravaging orcs and bring back peace and prosperity to your peop...
  • Imaginarium
    Imaginarium is a strategy, combination and development game. Details to come.
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Pre-orders edizioni

  • Gloom: Spedizioni Infauste
    The Gloom: Unfortunate Expeditions expansion adds one player and 55 cards to the game. Here is a description of the expansion from the publisher: I...
  • Cacao: Diamante
    Cacao: Diamante contains four expansion modules for the Cacao base game: The gem mines, the tree of life, the Emperor's favor, and the new workers....
  • Watergate
    In the two-player game Watergate, one player represents the Nixon administration and tries not to resign before the end of the game while the other...
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