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New playcard

On you can buy "playcards", prepaid cards that can be used for you, or as a gift or maybe use as prizes for a special event.
Playcard is easy to use: After your purchase, simply log in to your dashboard, click on the playcards option in your menu, and decide how to handle the cards purchased and received as a gift. Then you can decide whether to credit on your account, by pressing the appropriate button in that panel, or send it to another person. In the latter case, you just have to know the email address of the recipient of your gift, put it in the space provided, and optionally a message to send. The recipient will receive an email with the steps to take advantage of the playcard. It is not necessary that he is already registered on to receive the gift card, but will necessarily be to be able to redeem and use it for its purchases on
The bonus amount will be credited immediately on the user and will can use it for purchases, although it can still decide to keep it aside and spend it at a later time. Nor is it necessary to use it completely: if the amount payable is less than the amount of credit available, these only amount to be paid will be deducted and the remain part will be available for future purchases.
Otherwise, if the amount to pay exceeds the remaining credit, you must choose how to cover the difference. Below are 3 ready cuts worth 10, 50 and 100 euros. Below, however you can manually enter the desired value for the playcard. The playcards are digital goods, delivery is instantaneous in its own panel or through electronic channels is done in case of a gift. Nothing will be physically sent at home. To automate and speed up the process, payment by credit card is suggested. If you wanted to use another method, contact us and we will give you the necessary instructions.
