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Far East War 1592

A board game by Allen Wang
Publisher: 壬辰 (Imjin Creative)
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Far East War 1592
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Description Description

In 1592, Japanese Taikou (太閣) Toyotomi Hideyoshi showed his great ambition to conquer China (Ming Dynasty). His proposal to Korea (Joseon Dynasty) to march through their territory was denied, and there began The Imjin War. In Far East War 1592, players are divided into Japan and China/Korea factions, with each side trying to conquer the target provinces of their rivals. Players alternate to move around the action roundel to perform different actions such as recruit forces, assign generals, march armies, initiate battles, etc. With careful planning on the action roundel, tactical movement and assignment of troops and generals, and a bit luck in dice roll during battles, players should revive the vivid history in the Far East War. 在1592這一年,權傾一時的豐臣秀吉野心漫出日本本島,向朝鮮提出「假道入明」的狂妄要求。20萬大軍計畫穿過朝鮮半島,攻打明朝,征服整個東亞。這場亞洲版三國志,從海上打到陸地,僵持了超過6年,史稱壬辰倭亂、文祿/慶長之役、萬曆朝鮮之役,但最為人知的稱呼為:「壬辰之戰」。 日軍進攻初期,勢如破竹;朝鮮王節節敗退,王京漢城、陪都平壤相繼失守,被逼至鴨綠江畔,求請明朝救援。中日韓三國於是在朝鮮半島,展開激烈駁火。 玩家一分扮演日本,另一方扮演明朝與朝鮮,善用手中的武將,調度場上的部隊,精算備用的糧餉,還要預防未知事件對軍情帶來的影響。誰能攻下戰役中的目標,就能成為「壬辰之戰」中的最後勝利者。

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Area Movement Dice Rolling
Categories: Dice Miniatures War
Alternative names: Far East War 1592 壬辰之戰 임진 1592
This was seen 1941 times
Description Description

In 1592, Japanese Taikou (太閣) Toyotomi Hideyoshi showed his great ambition to conquer China (Ming Dynasty). His proposal to Korea (Joseon Dynasty) to march through their territory was denied, and there began The Imjin War. In Far East War 1592, players are divided into Japan and China/Korea factions, with each side trying to conquer the target provinces of their rivals. Players alternate to move around the action roundel to perform different actions such as recruit forces, assign generals, march armies, initiate battles, etc. With careful planning on the action roundel, tactical movement and assignment of troops and generals, and a bit luck in dice roll during battles, players should revive the vivid history in the Far East War. 在1592這一年,權傾一時的豐臣秀吉野心漫出日本本島,向朝鮮提出「假道入明」的狂妄要求。20萬大軍計畫穿過朝鮮半島,攻打明朝,征服整個東亞。這場亞洲版三國志,從海上打到陸地,僵持了超過6年,史稱壬辰倭亂、文祿/慶長之役、萬曆朝鮮之役,但最為人知的稱呼為:「壬辰之戰」。 日軍進攻初期,勢如破竹;朝鮮王節節敗退,王京漢城、陪都平壤相繼失守,被逼至鴨綠江畔,求請明朝救援。中日韓三國於是在朝鮮半島,展開激烈駁火。 玩家一分扮演日本,另一方扮演明朝與朝鮮,善用手中的武將,調度場上的部隊,精算備用的糧餉,還要預防未知事件對軍情帶來的影響。誰能攻下戰役中的目標,就能成為「壬辰之戰」中的最後勝利者。

Additional information Additional information
Mechanics: Area Movement Dice Rolling
Categories: Dice Miniatures War
Alternative names: Far East War 1592 壬辰之戰 임진 1592
This was seen 1941 times